
Monday, October 24, 2011

テレ朝社員の死亡事故、運転手の操作ミスか リビア

テレ朝社員の死亡事故、運転手の操作ミスか リビア リビアの中部シルトに取材のため車で向かっていたテレビ朝日の野村能久カイロ支局長ら3人が死亡した事故で、テレビ朝日の早河洋社長は25日、記者会見し、事故原因は運転手のハンドル操作ミスの可能性が高いことを明らかにした。 同局によると、野村さんらを医療施設に ... テレ朝社員の死亡事故、運転手の操作ミスか リビア

Taicang Port Economic Development Zone unveiled

Taicang Port Economic Development Zone unveiled Taicang newspaper October 25 (by the early Qing Yang, Wu Yasong) National Economic and Technological Development Zone of Taicang Port opening ceremony held today. Taicang Port Economic Development Zone has formed a new energy, new materials, major equipment, petrochemical, electronic information, modern logistics and other industries, has become the Taicang opening, ...Taicang Port Economic Development Zone unveiled


中国比利时领导人互致贺电庆祝两国建交40周年 新华社北京10月25日电国家主席胡锦涛25日与比利时国王阿尔贝二世互致贺电,热烈庆祝两国建交40周年。 胡锦涛在贺电中说,建交40年来,在双方的共同努力下,中比关系取得长足发展。特别是近年来,双方高层交往密切,经贸 ... 中国比利时领导人互致贺电庆祝两国建交40周年

US advisers recommend Gardasil HPV shots for boys

US advisers recommend Gardasil HPV shots for boys By Julie Steenhuysen, Reuters October 25, 2011 11:00 AM A girl is vaccinated against HPV in a file photo. Currently, the CDC recommends HPV vaccinations made by Merck and GlaxoSmithKline for girls and women between the ages of 11 and 26. ... US advisers recommend Gardasil HPV shots for boys

October 25 haste to see Taiwan

October 25 haste to see Taiwan [NTDTV October 25, 2011 Reuters October 25 next see Taiwan come quickly to see. 1 Ma to announce the continued construction of the nuclear quad-core does not extend to 1-3 this week, President Ma Ying-jeou served Taiwan's energy policy will make a major announcement. President Ma announced the fourth nuclear power plant will be safe in case of confirmation to continue the construction operation for the implementation of the "nuclear-free homeland" concept, Nuclear, nuclear two, three nuclear decommissioning, the extension is no longer served. 2. ...October 25 haste to see Taiwan

США утилизировали последнюю термоядерную бомбу

США утилизировали последнюю термоядерную бомбу Последний экземпляр атомной "супербомбы" уничтожена в США, сообщает во вторник CBS со ссылкой на Министерство энергетики США (DOE). Термоядерная бомба класса B53 разобрана и утилизирована 25 октября на заводе корпорации Pantex неподалеку от города ... США утилизировали последнюю термоядерную бомбу

武汉试鸣防空警报 警示民众勿忘历史

武汉试鸣防空警报 警示民众勿忘历史 中新社武汉10月25日电(张芹)"呜呜",25日下午16时,防空警报声响彻武汉三镇,提醒民众勿忘历史。 16时整,预先警报响起,鸣36秒,停24秒,持续3分钟。尖锐刺耳的警报声让路人纷纷驻足,抬头望向天空,有人—脸诧异,有人则四 ... 武汉试鸣防空警报 警示民众勿忘历史

City Games Shanghai delegation harvest large detachment Medals have a "grand strategy"

City Games Shanghai delegation harvest large detachment Medals have a "grand strategy" According to "Xinmin Evening News" report, Liu Song participated in the City Games, only to get the silver, but does not affect her at the Beijing Olympics will soar. Highlights of the Games may be smaller than the intensity of the Games, Olympic Games, but it should be the young stage, but also youth coaches "Whampoa Military Academy." ...City Games Shanghai delegation harvest large detachment Medals have a "grand strategy"

Regele Mihai: Prima noastră datorie astăzi este să ne amintim de cei care au ...

Regele Mihai: Prima noastră datorie astăzi este să ne amintim de cei care au ... Regele Mihai a îndemnat, în Parlament, la cinstirea memoriei celor care şi-au jertfit viaţa în războaie şi în decembrie 1989 pentru independenţa şi liberatea ţării. "Prima noastră datorie astăzi este să ne amintim de toţi cei care au murit pentru ... Regele Mihai: Prima noastră datorie astăzi este să ne amintim de cei care au ...

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