
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

美專利控股告侵權 宏達電上榜

美專利控股告侵權 宏達電上榜 位於紐約的美國專利控股公司Graphics Properties Holdijngs Inc.以遭侵權為由,昨天向美國國際貿易委員會(ITC)提告,被告有蘋果、行動研究公司、摩托羅拉行動控股與三星電子。 位於紐約的美國專利控股公司Graphics Properties Holdijngs Inc.以遭侵權為由,昨天向美國 ... 美專利控股告侵權 宏達電上榜

US President Obama says Asia-Pacific is key to future

US President Obama says Asia-Pacific is key to futureUS President Obama says Asia-Pacific is key to future US President Barack Obama has said that the Asia-Pacific region will play a key role in defining the world's future. "The United States is a Pacific power, and we are here to stay," he stated in a speech to the Australian Parliament, sending a clear ... US President Obama says Asia-Pacific is key to future


京华时报:柳州进城费别样的暴力行政 有计划自驾车去广西柳州的各位注意了,这座城池是要收进城费的,48小时以内10元钱,48小时以外,每增加两天就要再收10元。以此类推,你的车在柳州城里逗留的时间越长,缴费越多。柳州本地人要略享受些优惠,可以购买机动 ... 京华时报:柳州进城费别样的暴力行政

Airline trade group sues over loan guarantees

Airline trade group sues over loan guarantees November 16, 2011 05:12 PM EST | AP WASHINGTON — A lawsuit backed by US airlines aims to block loan guarantees for Air India to buy airplanes made by Boeing Co. The lawsuit shows how US airlines increasingly view foreign carriers as direct competitors ... Airline trade group sues over loan guarantees

Eskimos vow to cut down on penalties in CFL West final

Eskimos vow to cut down on penalties in CFL West final Key Eskimo Edmonton quarterback Ricky Ray said undisciplined play against BC could prove lethal. "Penalties have hurt us in a lot of situations throughout this year," he said. EDMONTON With last Sunday's CFL Western semifinal in the balance, ... Eskimos vow to cut down on penalties in CFL West final

Los brasileños no lo dudan: Messi es el mejor

Los brasileños no lo dudan: Messi es el mejor Si la elección del mejor jugador del mundo en 2011 realizada por la FIFA y la revista France Football dependiera solamente de entrenadores y futbolistas brasileños, el argentino Lionel Messi ganaría el Balón de Oro, seguido por el joven delantero del ... Los brasileños no lo dudan: Messi es el mejor

PepsiCo directors warm to splitting company: Report

PepsiCo directors warm to splitting company: Report Some members of PepsiCo Inc's board want to take a closer look at splitting up the snack and beverage units, a move that its chief executive officer is against, it was reported. "I hear there is going to be a shake-up," a source said, according to a ... PepsiCo directors warm to splitting company: Report

Wait to cut umbilical cord to help baby's iron

Wait to cut umbilical cord to help baby's ironWait to cut umbilical cord to help baby's iron Healthy newborns have better iron levels after four months if their umbilical cords aren't clamped immediately, a new study suggests. Traditionally, the umbilical cord was clamped early — between 10 seconds to one minute after birth — to prevent ... Wait to cut umbilical cord to help baby's iron

Accord PS-EELV sur le nucléaire: Areva a averti le PS "de conséquences graves"

Accord PS-EELV sur le nucléaire: Areva a averti le PS "de conséquences graves" PARIS (AFP) - Areva a fait part au Parti socialiste "des conséquences graves" qu'entraînerait l'arrêt du retraitement et de la filière du combustible MOX prévu initialement puis retiré de l'accord PS-EELV, at-on appris mercredi auprès du fleuron ... Accord PS-EELV sur le nucléaire: Areva a averti le PS "de conséquences graves"

Rekorderlös: Riesendiamant versteigert

Rekorderlös: Riesendiamant versteigert Der größte gelbe Diamant der Welt wurde gestern versteigert. Der Rohdiamant wurde erst im letzten Jahr in Südafrika gefunden und befand sich seither auf Ausstelungsreise rund um die Welt Der weltgrößte gelbe Diamant hat für eine geringere Summe einen ... Rekorderlös: Riesendiamant versteigert

Спасатели нашли пропавший в Белом море сухогруз "Капитан Кузнецов"

Спасатели нашли пропавший в Белом море сухогруз "Капитан Кузнецов"Спасатели нашли пропавший в Белом море сухогруз "Капитан Кузнецов" Спасатели обнаружили в районе поиска сухогруз "Капитан Кузнецов", связь с которым была потеряна 15 ноября 2011г. Как сообщили РБК в Минтрансе, сейчас сухогруз дрейфует, в ближайшие два часа к нему должен подойти ледокол "Диксон". ... Спасатели нашли пропавший в Белом море сухогруз "Капитан Кузнецов"

西宁破获一特大假冒注册商标案 涉案890余万

西宁破获一特大假冒注册商标案 涉案890余万 中广网消息,据西宁市公安局通报消息,西宁市城中公安分局经侦大队成功破获一起特大假冒注册商标案,查获非法生产销售的汽车润滑油和防冻液,总价值890余万元。 目前犯罪嫌疑人已被依法刑事拘留,该案在进一步侦查中。 西宁破获一特大假冒注册商标案 涉案890余万

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